7 Ways to Make Your Oral Health Perfect This Valentine’s Day

Neha Sharma
4 min readJan 27, 2021


“You say it best when you say nothing at all!” Such are the lyrics of a famous English song and especially, when Valentine’s Day is around the corner you are sure to understand the depth of these simple words. Moreover, we too want you to ‘say it all’ with a million-dollar smile by keeping your oral health “to the T”. So, in this blog let us find out how you can maintain your oral health and be full of confidence this Valentine’s Day. Say it with a beautiful smile that brings radiance to your face and approach your beloved with sheer delight and confidence.

Before you make the move, make sure that you are at the best of your oral health. Since bad oral breath and yellow teeth are total turn-offs, do keep a check on your oral condition much prior to the V-Day celebration. Here are some of the most efficient and easiest ways to let your oral health behave.

  1. Keep cavities away: Cavities are highly contagious and usually lead to bad oral smell and toothaches when they have grown bigger in size. Thus, stay away from sugary and starchy food items like potatoes, candies, ice creams, pastries, caffeinated drinks and also those items that will surely expand the growth of cavities. Stop eating these regularly only to enjoy them on the date with your partner.
  2. Beware of bad breathe: Besides controlling the spread of cavities, there are a few other steps to follow to keep bad breath at bay. Avoid having too many onions, garlic and the likes that happen to make your mouth stink even when brushed properly. Brushing is not enough as you also need to rinse your mouth with a good quality antimicrobial mouthwash at regular intervals to keep your mouth free from a strong stench.
  3. Scaling of teeth: The dental tartar or those yellow sediments are a dental threat! You should rush to the best dentist to get your teeth scaled and prevent them from staining any further. Yellow teeth look ugly and definitely are not pleasing and they are certainly not healthy. So do away with them.
  4. Brushing twice a day helps: This is a practice that has to be followed religiously. Brush once in the morning and once before retiring for the night. When you do this, you reduce the risks of oral diseases, bad breath and cavities. Moreover, the food morsels can be cleansed easily and your teeth are protected against getting impacted by cavities.
  5. Use dental floss: Dental floss will be your saviour when you feel or can see that something is stuck in between two teeth but brushing could not remove it. Floss properly and get rid of it as leaving the tiniest morsel there can cause cavities or a rotting smell. Both of which would not be pleasant on your Valentine’s Day date.
  6. Rinse with brine water: Rinsing your mouth with salt mixed in lukewarm water brings relief to dental pains and also prohibits harmful bacteria from breeding in your mouth. This not only cleans your mouth of tiny food particles and keeps bad oral breath away but definitely reduces the chances of gum diseases called periodontitis. Do this at least twice a day.
  7. Say no to addiction: This is the wisest word of advice to maintain great oral and physical health. Smoking, consumption of alcohol and substance abuse impact your teeth. Weakening and discolouration of teeth, loosening gums, black dental stains, etc. are the most visible results of addiction. Thus, cease them before it is too late.

Keeping a healthy mouth is a key to an impressive personality and you can do so by being a little cautious. Moreover, smile with all your heart and feelings without the fear of any impending dental threats.

Do follow these simple tips to make your teeth and mouth happy as well as your Valentine’s Day a sheer success! However, do not forget to visit your dentist to get perfect smile before your date and get a thorough check-up of your dental health done. The dentist will give you the necessary treatment if in case you need any and help you overcome the dental problem accordingly.



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