How to Excel in CBSE Board Practical Exams?
The CBSE Board exams are about to approach soon. All the students are busy in studies and aim to pass the exams with flying colors. The report card of a student also includes the internal marks given by the best private schools in Ajmer, on the basis of their performance in the practical exams. Despite of the fact that practical exams are also an essential part of the board exams, they are generally ignored and overlooked.
Most of the students fail to pay proper attention to the practical experiment classes conducted in the school laboratories or follow the instructions given by the teacher. According to the experienced teachers of the top 10 schools in Rajasthan, this mistake can cost you your internal marks. Practical education is essential along with theoretical knowledge so as to understand the procedure in a much better manner. This will help you in memorizing the concept for a longer period of time.
Here are some important tips for you to excel and outdo your classmates in the CBSE Board Practical Exams:
- Actual Concept — It is essential to pay attention to the minute details explained during the practical experiment session. This knowledge will help you during the examinations. By reading the question carefully you will be able to memorize the exact details discussed in the class.
- Procedure — Along with practical and theoretical explanation, the teachers also explain and dictate the complete procedure of the experiment. Make sure you have proper notes with you to revise before the exams.
- Don’t Cram — There is no point in just memorizing the readings as per the notes. Try to understand the main logic and basics behind them. This will help in drawing correct inferences even if the examiner changes the values at the last minute.
- Diagrams and Circuits — Do a good practice of the various diagrams and circuits taught during the entire session. This will help you in fetching easy marks not only in practical exams but also in board written exams.
These were some important tips and tricks of scoring good internal marks in your CBSE Board Practical Examinations. Make sure you stay and look confident during your practical and viva