How The Brilliant Cut of Diamond Came Into Existence?

Neha Sharma
2 min readMar 26, 2019


Under pressure, you tend to perform better. Diamond is a visual expression of this saying and sparkling example of the same. Who would have thought coal could be so bright and beautiful? These beautiful objects of desire have a long history attached to them. When they came out in the market, instantaneously they became famous and valued. Thus jewellery manufactures in India started their quest to carve different types of cut. Years of practice, innovation and effort brought the most beautiful, desirable and alluring cut, i.e. the round diamond cut.


This cut has become the most popular choice among diamond lovers. More than half of all the diamonds sold account for round cut diamond. This shape has 58 facets in its kitty which are divided between crown, girdle, and pavilion. The unusual facets arrangement reflect maximum light making them an ideal choice among diamond buyers.


A fully circular shape of diamond wasn’t possible until the late 1800s. The invention of the bruiting machine allowed diamonds to be cut in circular shapes. Even though the circular shape came into existence in 1800, the 58 facet arrangement was mastered around 1919 by Marcel Tolkowsky. With time, his innovation was crafted into perfection.


Today’s modern round cut diamond has 58 facets to its credit divided between pavilion, girdle, and crown. It consists of 1 tablet facet, 8-star facets, 8-bezel facets, and 16 upper girdle facets. The bottom consists of 1 cutlet, 8 main facets, and 16 lower girdle facets.


The first round cut was invented in Europe however they were much different from the brilliant cut we adorn today. Then came the modern round brilliant cut 2ith 58 facet arrangement, this cut superseded every stone in brilliance, sparkle, and fire. The precise geometry, arrangement, and formation increased the stones popularity among the diamond lovers multifold. Gemstone distributor in India started designing jewelry pieces with this stone to increase their sales and to cater to a broader community of diamond lovers. This cut became synonymous with an engagement ring.

The brilliance, durability and sheer craftsmanship contributed to this cut’s success majorly. As this cut exhibits the highest brilliance, it is also one of the most expensive and valued diamond cuts. Mesmerizing, classic and full of fire, this cut no matter how old it gets is here to stay forever!



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